Mission Trips

Making disciples of Jesus Christ by engaging indigenous Pastors around the world

While it is true that Covid-19 shut down international mission trips our National Trainers were still actively taking the word and evangelism training to their local communities and experiencing great results.  Face to Faith resumed mission trips in May 2021.  We traveled to Tamale and Zebilla, Ghana and worked with John Adam Sumani and Kojo Issaka conducting a Face Evangelism Conference in Zebilla.  We visited the Fulani tribe near the border with Burkina Faso and Sug-Bei, Ghana where we had installed a well for reliable drinking water.

We also traveled twice to Awka, Nigeria in August and November 2021 conducting evangelism conferences with an apprentice Pastor, Nnamdi Christian Okwudili who we brought on as National Trainer for Nigeria.

In 2022, we have traveled twice to Bangladesh in March and October to conduct Faith Evangelism conferences with an apprentice Pastor Asish who also proved himself prepared and eager to serve the Lord as National Trainer for Bangladesh.  We also traveled to Botswana and Zambia to work with Pastor Philip Opemi our National Trainer for Botswana.

In 2023, we are making plans to take teams to DR Congo, Tanzania, Nepal and Albania.  We are open to additional trips and we will post updates here, on our newsletters and our Facebook page.